Operational Excellence: Case Examples

How does the customer benefit?

Our customer benefits from receiving simple, robust, best practice processes that yield high productivity along with quality, safety and environmental compatibility at sustainably maximal profitability.

Case 1:

In a production site of a midsize global CRMO we introduced KPIs, management by objectives, a targeted continuous improvement initiative, and direct action improvement with the target of achieving operational excellence. This led to a steady growth of productivity ($ sales / $ cost) of 20% per year on average over 5 consecutive years and to a total overall improvement of the KPI for “perfect project” from 20% to 80%, of the KPI for “success rate” from enquiry to order from 17% to 50%, and to a decrease in emissions by 40% and of accidents by 75%.

Case 2:

In another site the introduction of similar concepts led to an improvement of productivity of 7% per year in average over 5 years, and in yet another company to 20% improvement of the productivity within 6 months.

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